Hast du Facebook installiert?
Die offizielle App verursacht viele Probleme, wie z.b. die die du beschreibst. Alternative - freie - Apps zeigen diese Probleme nicht:
Since its last update, the Facebook app causes severe problems like phone freezes, crashes, battery drain, problems with instagram etc. (see here for example)
If you lately experience issues like this, just uninstall the app. Probably your problems are solved.
Andere Ursachen und Tipps findest du hier:
The Troubleshooting tips moved here .
Original Post:
Mine has started rebooting on a regular basis as well. I’ve tried a factory reset and it doesn’t seem to help. Its rebooted about 15 times today so far. Last night the touch stopped working so I couldn’t enter my pin after a reboot, it took a lot of attempts before it would respond. Bit dissapointed.
Quick question, does anyone have the Peace of Mind thing on theirs? Mine doesn’t apart from once today when it randomly rebooted I could see it…
bzw hier:
If you’re having this issue check out the #batteryguide .
Original Post:
OK I’ll definitely not win this…
My phone was 100% this morning at 7:00. I checked my mails and the forum, played some frozen while waiting for my daughter but not a lot.
It’s now 11:00 and it’s down to 50%.
Don’t like it… If I keep using the phone it will not last the day…