Contact home screen disapeared

When I received my fairphone, 3 home screens were preconfigured :

  • The center one for the favorite shortcuts
  • The right one fot most used apps and to acces to all apps.
  • and the left one for contacts

Since few months, i cannot access anymore the contact screen. When swiping the screen to the left from the center screen nothings happens. It is really annoying as I cannot access to my contacts to modify them.

Has somebody had the same issue? Is it something I changed in the configuration or it is a known bug?

Thanks for your help and answers.

Long tap on free space at the home screen → select “Widgets” → look for the contacts widget → long tap on it and place it on the home screen.


You may want to have a look at the user guide, there you find some basic desciprion of the GUI (graphical user interface) and how it works, including how to get apps or widgets back on your homescreen.


Thanks for the answers, was pretty easy actually but I wasn’t able to do it when I tried first.

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