Cant install hacking news client from f droid

I tried to install hndroid while orbot wass off
it downloaded though. but when i open it it just stops. I want to dl it again but it wont. it just go to install page and yet again when i install open it. it just atops again. i think it didnt download completely. thats why it doesnt work qhen i opwn it. i need a way to re download it.Can any one tell me how to do ao. please

I’m not sure I understand you correctly (is your keyboard broken? could you try to edit and spell-check your post?) so I tried it myself and ran into (probably) the same issue: I can install and start the app, but before it finished loading the start screen it crashes with the error message: “Unfortunately HNDroid has stopped”.

That App was last updated 2012, but the app “HN” from 2016 works perfectly fine on my FP2. You could file a report to F-Droid that that app doesn’t work anymore.

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mines the same thing as well. its 0.2.1 by the way can you tell me how to make fp2 work men. cause i followed the 8nsteuction but it wont work. i used orweb for it. im using android i dont have a pc thougth. it would be very helpful if you reply on this.

Just download the new app:

are you prefering to f droid or the hndroid sir

by the way. do you know any website wherere i could learn hacking. i mean basic hacking. id be thankful if you put a linglk. or send it at my email instead.

I’m referring to the app called “hn” not “hndroid”. You can download the apk from the link above or simply search “hn” in your f-droid app.

I have no idea about hacking, sorry.

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