Benzol in Manufacturing processes in China

Hi all!

Today I got aware of the fact that “Benzol”, a highly dangerous chemical derivate from the oil industry, is widely used in Smartphone production processes in China (e.g. for cleaning the screen before packaging), but workers are not informed about this and many get ill or even die of leukemia caused by the inhalation of Benzol. Now, I did not find anything on fairphone’s website if fairphone does adress this problem or not, and if, what is beeing done. Thanks for any hints and - @fairphone! - maybe this post can help to solve yet another problem in smartphone manufacturing processes. Regards, Markus

Have you read the latest blog post:

It also has a link to the social assessment report.

Unfortunately, as @fp1_wo_sw_updates points out here, there isn’t much information in that blog post/in the social assessment report on chemical hazards and safety handling. @Douwe: is there any further information available on these issues (both the use (or intentional avoidance) of benzene and the issues brought up in the post linked above)?