I have the same issue but only on the “e-sim”. The physical sim is not affected.
I’ve i go abroad, i live close to France and Germany I always have to chose the new network for the “esim” the physical sim is automatically connected to a provider.
Does someone has a useful answer from Fairphone or found a workaround. It is a bit annoying, as i often cross the border and this should worl without any actions from my part.
please contact Fairphone support about this problem, that is the only way to let them know many people have this problem.
place a link to this thread in your email.
there is definitely a bug in the FP5 network settings.
so far i understand it must have something to do with that the automatic network selection option is always on well it’s not.
one’s you manually select a network the the automatic network selection will turn off and can’t be turned on again, the settings will still tell its turned on (it always will) but you can see in the gray section one network is fixed. the phone will only use that network.
after i did that reset the gray section changed. not longer a fixt network. so Automatic network selection was on again.
now its telling the name of the sim card and the (by the phone) selected network. with a _ between.
Interesting, so taking all the puzzle pieces together it seems like currently one shouldn’t mess with those network selection settings and then it might be okay. @Fairflix mentioned he uses a Blau simcard which both my wife and I do, too (in the O2 Germany network thus), and while he has issues, we haven’t had any issues when roaming yet. My settings basically look the same as what @T4om has posted. That’s a good finding and might help Fairphone to fix it.
OK so I now opened a ticket with Fairphone Support.
I trust and expect that others open tickets as well to make them aware of the different situations this issue arises.
Note to those who do: beware that Faiphone Support give users a runaround: They first give users a web template into which I entered all details including order number, Build etc etc. That was some work getting all these details. At the end when I clicked submit a popup comes up and explains that they detect I’m having a problem with a phone I own, to then start a blank step-by-step “troubleshooter” app process. All fields were empty there, I had to recollect all data and also retype the problem description (which was fortunately a slightly edited version of my text in this thread here). It’s unbelievable how one can program such a bad support process , but now that you’re warned you will have a copy of all data in a text editor until the last submit finally goes through , it’s not a big problem then.
Hi @Martin_Anderseck , that’s interesting, same Blau but no ANS issue.
What brought you here to this topic then, what issue are you facing?
Do you change networks into Switzerland or elsewhere?
Note I’m using Blau Prepaid SIM.
And note that I never touched the ANS setting, the FP5 was only in operation for 2 weeks and Saturday was my first venture into Switzerland. No messing with any settings. The ANS checkbox was never unchecked.
BTW what I also leaned the hard way is that the default setting for mobile connections is to have mobile data use checked, which was also reset when I reset mobile settings yesterday. This is annoying since Blau Prepaid only has a limited amount of high speed data available for mobile data use per month and my quota was depleted without me noticing it I can’t remember this was so on Android 13 on FP3+. Another catch to be mindful of. This is domestic mobile data use I’m talking about, at least roaming in other networks is off by default.
Hi, thank you for reporting the issue to the Fairphone Support.
On the support form then, am I right to understand you used this blank web form? If yes, there is a suggestion in the beginning to use the trouble shooting first
And I believe it is always better to start with the latter, as it gives the support more information on the issue and (hopefully) speeds up the process as they do not need to ask for additional tests
Edit. Edited to say that it seems ( I remember it vaguely) that if you do it from the phone using MyFairphone App you do not need to enter all the details. I have just had a look on my activities in the support section and it looks like one has been entered straight from the phone
Wonderful, I should have read this!! This could have saved me some hassle. Thanks for pointing this out!
But then, even as I work in IT Support myself my attention was pulled straight into the web template by the layout of empty fields below, beckoning to be filled
I don’t really understand the point of this troubleshooter tool option. After all, who would not have a Fairphone product when accessing this page? Why isn’t everyone given the tool straight away?
The web form can also be used for delivery/order requests. I also once reported the bugs with the webshop. But I think it would be nice if it was nicely filtered and your answers copied into the next form.
I’m not facing this issue fortunately, but I’m interested in what could go wrong and how I could work around that in case it does go wrong. Apart from that I think it’s useful to state that not all devices have the same issue, that could be important for finding differences between the ones affected and the ones that aren’t.
My Blau SIM is with contract but I doubt that this makes the important difference. From time to time I’m in Czech Republic, a little less often in other countries. And as stated further up both my phone and my wife’s FP5 didn’t have any issues lately when going abroad. By writing “messing with settings” I didn’t want to offend anyone btw, it was more a generic term for “might have been in some settings, looked around, might have switched something back and forth”, normal operation thus of interested users. But with the experiences shared in this thread it boils down to an issue in the software, indeed.
Btw.: Mobile data on is default unfortunately for years already. I can remember having had this in Android 5 when I received my FP2, put in the SIM of my dumb phone and started it and immediately a few MB were used
And yes, thanks for the pointer, I also considered using the My Fairphone App, but when I saw that empty textbox I shied away from editing that whole story with the fidgety smartphone keyboard so I preferred the desktop and the webform. The App would have saved me from researching some tech detail. I’ll consider that next time…
no worries, no offence assumed, I know what you meant with messing with settings. I just wanted to confirm that my settings were untouched, so the problem is there from scratch (and after reset).
It’s also interesting to consider the differences: you have a contract SIM (not Prepaid) and are changing into CZ networks (whoever Telefonica partners with there, as Blau is a Telefonica brand). Either of these differences may be handled differently by FP5 on Android 14 (in your case better).
I’m curious what Fairphone Support makes of the support ticket.
While I wait, choosing the network manually is doable for me as I only go abroad every 1-2 weeks. Others in this thread commute on a daily basis, that’s a pain.
I take from this that repeated Resets of mobile settings (“Einstellungen für Mobilfunknetze zurücksetzen” on my German locale) might work eventually.
I just reset mine a couple of times, let’s see what happens.
I don’t assume that you are now able to uncheck this ASN switch, it’s always shown on in your screenshots? Just asking in case you tried and know, there’s no need for you to try this out now, this may pull you back into the issue as well “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
When I click the ASN switch after reset, it still only shows me available networks instead of switching ASN off, as usual. Of course I reset yet once more after this test to undo what any access to this ASN switch may break.
OTOH, I see that you also have Mobile data use and Roaming switched on. You must have switched on also the Roaming after your last reset (as reset disables that). I’m wondering whether that may also be a reason why it now does work for you not for me (and maybe others).
i hope the reset will work for you this time!
and for you @Noldos.
please let us know if the reset dit or didn’t work.
yes the switch is definitely broken, and yes i not gonna try now the network is working. its like fixing it with duck-tape and hope for the best well waiting for a professional to fix it properly.
the Reset probably didn’t fix the bug but so long i not touch it again (that’s wat I’m thinking now) it is working again.
and that’s possible as well the roaming setting have something to do with it. but i can’t confirm.
i was thinking about a different behavior of the settings.
maybe the problem return more often if you cross a border to a country the phone is never bin before.
i started thinking this, i remember i did had problems in Belgium and Germany as wel long time ago. but tis time it dit stay fine there until Luxemburg.
well yes not really something i can confirm just a feeling.
I also received this kind of e-mail on October 2. Yesterday (October 3) I reset the settings, then I additionally restarted the phone, and after this my phone was able to switch between the networks (FR/CH). I will test this for few days to see if it works in the long run, but this to me indicates that somehow the automatic network selection cannot be turned on once the user turns it off manually - as was written already in this thread.
Based on my tests, the steps I described have fixed the issue successfully - the phone is able to choose the network automatically. NB: I haven’t touched the network selection manually ever since following the instructions.
I can also confirm that since I reset mobile settings I visited France, Switzerland and Austria and my FP5 was able to auto-connect every time.
As recommended I never accessed the ANS setting since the reset. I only de-selected mobile data use on that screen, no more.
Of course this is not as I expect the screen to work. I should be able to de-select ANS. I should then be able to get a listing of available operators to choose from by selecting the line below ANS (greyed out when ANS is active). I should also be able to revert to a (working) ANS.
But I’m happy to leave my FP5 as it is now as long as it’s working as I need.
Just to add experience: I’m currently in Spain and had no issues at all with automatic network connection so far. Travelling with a german SIM in the Telefonica network