Apps who missbehave

Hi. Some apps doesen’t work as they should in my phone. For example, in Facebook I can’t post a status. I can write it, but it doesn’t post. I can write a comment but not a status. Another app that doesn’t work is a swedish travel app called Skånetrafiken, I cannot write the destinations. A third app that doesn’t work is the Bible, I can’t change which book I want to read. A fourth app that doesn’t work is a app where I’m supposed to write my shopping list, I can’t put in new things to buy. My boyfriend also has a Fairphone 2, he recieved his phone a few weeks later than me and all these apps works without a problem for him. Is there anything I can do to fix the problems?
And also, the screen flickers sometimes.

You need to re-enable Privacy Impact by unticking the option found at: Settings > Sound & Notifications > Privacy Impact

Also please use the search next time and take a look at the suggested topics when creating a new topic. I can’t imagine that “Misbehaving Apps” wasn’t mentioned as a similar topic when you created a topic called “Apps who missbehave”. (Even if it should be “Apps that misbehave”)

Hi. Sorry for bad english, I’m from Sweden. I started a new topic because I didn’t think the described issues were the same as mine, though it turns out it was the same solution. Thanks for the help!!

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