Do you mean postponing an update until the most important bugs have been ironed out, or the fact that they openly communicate about it? I suspect you rather mean “missing a deadline”, but sadly that’s part of software engineering. These projects are complex and an initial schedule is likely to be revised over the course of development.
My mantra has always been: don’t judge people by their mistakes, but rather judge by their efforts to resolving those mistakes, as it is those efforts that show the character of an individual or team. In this case we see that FP takes responsibility, shows humbleness and keeps investing in the final goal despite one or two set backs. I’d call that professional.
I am experiencing no such problems with Fairphone OS 18.04.1, which is an Android 6 image. So either your definition of “barely functioning” differs vastly from mine, or you have other problems that you require support with. Either way, passive agressive complaints like these aren’t going to solve those problems, and with the phone being 1.5y old you still have a right for retail/factory warranty.
Thanks to FP support, I’ve already had my FP2 functioning for 2.5 years… I challenge your 1-sample statistics with my 1-sample statistic. Although I understand that your experience left you with a negative sentiment around this product, you might do yourself a favour by taking a deep breath and focussing on a path to solving your problems - like searching around the forums for your problem and opening a topic if nobody else experienced something similar. There’s many helpful people around in this community and the FP customer support have been quite forthcoming and reasonable too.