Alternative Apps(tores): Living without Google (FP1)

Can you explain me? There is any risk to do that?

Hi, one quick question: is it very useful to have a firewall on your phone? In what situations might it increase safety? And what impact does it have on performance and battery life?

Thank you in advance, have a good day :slight_smile:

Hi @Juulll I use AFWall as a Firewall. There you can explicitly say, which apps ans system apps are allowed into the internet, depending on the channel (WiFi, Mobile, Roaming). I only let apps into the open, from which I know the need internet access. Some Kids games ie donā€™t have access.


Thank you @Friek I will check it out! :slight_smile:

In theory itā€™s illegal (check Googleā€™s ToS) to access the Play Store using non-Google apps. So (again, in theory) Google can close down your account if you do so. That said Iā€™ve never heard of any actual such situation.

In recent Yalp versions a fake Google account is created by default.

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OK i understand. Thank you.

Iā€™m so glad I read this! Iā€™m new to the whole F-Droid thing, so I hope I can install all of this when I get my future Fairphone. I know I can Google search this but how do I even get started on getting rid of google and putting these apps? I am not familiar with technical terms oops (so embrassing )

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In the US, I think your best bet currently would be to research phones capable of running LineageOS, an Open Source Android variant free of Googleā€™s Apps and services by default.

Many of us here run that on the Fairphone 2, too, even if Fairphone offer their own Google-free Android in the form of Fairphone Open OS. For more info and inspiration, thereā€™s this topic ā€¦


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