February 10, 2021, 7:32pm
Similar questions have already been asked already on the forum, you can check this topic for instance :
Hello people,
I would like to know, what the best shorthands for different mobile operating systems are. With iOS, lineage or /e/ it is clear. But how do you categorize and precisely distinguish different Android systems?
The focus lies on finding a precise shorthand for de-googled Android*. Yet information about different types of googled Android is much appreciated. I have no overview over this topic and would like to learn.
Best regards
*you might say “this is it”. But to me thi…
And for my personal opinion, I prefer LineageOS over /e/ because there’s not much pre-installed and is barebones, so that I can add what I need only. But having heard from /e/ and having given it a try, I would recommend it as well.
You can check this link to see what can be further degoogled from Lineage (in this case 16.0), and what has already been done by the /e/ team:
That’s kind of the same question as “What do GApps do by just being there?”. If microG is installed, it will automatically be used by apps that rely on it, regardless of if they may be also able to work without it.
The difference is, you can disable MicroG in the /e/ options (or can’t you ? I thought I had seen this on /e/).