Wir sind hier! Beide per Rad aus Vaals (li.) und von der Vaalser StraΓe (re.).
Early birds from Vaals
and Vaalser Street
Unfortunately we had the (numerically) poorest attendance in two years. A severe weather warning that stretched from an hour prior to four hours past the meetup might not have helped.
We were just five tonight, and yet I think it was a very nice evening with some heavy duty repair jobs done. A first-time meetup attendant had already announced his FP1 repair needs in advance, and after some initial checking, I replaced his motherboard. The new motherboard has quite a journey behind it now: After its βfirst lifeβ, it was implanted into an Austrian Fairphonerβs FP1U last year by the Rt. Hon. Colleague from Vienna, Herr @Stefan Brand, travelled to
LiΓ¨ge (right in Aachenβs neighbourhood) with its new user a little while later and reached
Aachen just two weeks ago when the display it was screwed onto was hopelessly splintered. To avoid risky repairs, I replaced the whole phone (then) and was glad I had kept the damaged one when I got the latest repair request this weekend β from our aforementioned, second-hand FP1U owner in nearby Raeren
So the motherboard is doing its duty in the third FP1U from tonight.
Apart from that, I demonstrated the mighty abilities of TWRP to the two other FP2 owners, explaining how you can store a total of six or seven current OSes on your SD card, allowing you to switch between them within just 10-15 minutes without any need to hook it to a computer (well, at least not after the very first installation). Oh, and we fastened the screws of an unreliable 12 MP camera module β for now. Letβs see if the tightening helps in the long run.
Anyway, while attendance was lacking, it was an all enjoyable and packed night with literally no breaks for the host. Oh, and I even got home before the long expected severe weather (in fact, I got to view some intimidating lightning from the top of the final hill before home, but really severe weather still has to materialize as Iβm writing this ).
P.S.: This was the first Fairphone Community Aachen meetup with its new very own Community FP2. Thanks to the magnanimous-beyond-all-means donation by @jmcornel, our community is from now on permanently equipped with a used and (with the sole exception of SIM connectivity) fully functional CFP2 that celebrated its premiere in last monthβs Zeit fΓΌr Utopien movie showing. Now feel free to give Jessica a load of likes, please!