🇩🇪 🇬🇧 Aachener Fairphone-Stammtisch | 28. FEBRUAR | Meetup :community_square:

I have to confess I did not think of taking a photo this time. :fearful:

We were seven this time (= everyone who had indicated in advance to turn up). Three “returns” from the first meetup, four people who were there for the first time. No unexpected visitor this time, so the newspaper paragraph (see further above) did not trigger any spontaneous “additions”.

I had only sent a brief email to Aachen’s two newspapers three days prior (saturday -> tuesday) to our meetup. To my surprise, the one paper (Aachener Nachrichten) which picked it up actually doubled the length of my text suggestion. Expecting I would be lucky to even just get it included in the telegram-style events list I had not included the bits about what Fairphone is actually about, so someone at the paper must have added or even researched it. :slight_smile:

I’m wondering where to go from here. Not sure whether it makes sense to leave our meetups without any agenda at all. But don’t worry, it’s not that which keeps me sleepless and write this at 4 am, but the stormy night here in our three country corner :wink: