πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Aachener Fairphone-Stammtisch | 28. FEBRUAR | Meetup :community_square:

Eventually (depending on count) a good mix of 7-10 people that included more than one FP1, a couple of FP2s and a few curious newbies without a Fairphone (yet) at all. There was quite some interest in Fairphone and the FP3 from another meetup at the next table as well, including that other meetup’s host who had already ordered the FP3 right after the 31 August Aachen event.

The generous options of switching back and forth between at least half a dozen operating systems on the FP2 actually made one of the latter participants more eager to find a used FP2 than to wait for an FP3 and its (hopefully) eventual opening for alternative OSes. Once again, the (prototype) FP3 was disassembled – for the 8th, 9th, 10th time by now? – and reassembled with success. While Fairphone/F-Droid’s Checkup app as well as the Camera app prove it still works flawless, some of the connections and connectors are showing signs of wear by now (again, this is a prototype FP3 and the experiences gained through it already made Fairphone improve and reinforce the final model selling now – an extra screw and reinforced threads etc.)

Some tests and (hopefully) repairs on a malfunctioning FP2 display (it was dropped) will go into extra-time tomorrow … and if all goes well, might result in another LineageOS user.