🇩🇪 🇬🇧 Aachener Fairphone-Stammtisch 10.10. Fairphone Community Aachen :community_round:

Again a healthy crowd viewing the movie and quite a vivid interest in Fairphone both before and after the movie. And also again, a lot of first time acquaintances with Fairphone and eventually some nice pub networking with the other organizations present around the showing.

Having experienced two showings of “Zeit für Utopien” now, I can only (still) strongly recommend to other Fairphone communities to consider organizing a showing themselves – or just be visibly present at one. The thing is that while the movie poster and the usual synopsis of the movie doesn’t tell this right away, it actually spends such a generous amount of time and footage on Fairphone that it can easily be called the centrepiece of the movie. In other words, “Zeit für Utopien” has people generally interested in all things sustainability and change going into it and people all interested in Fairphone coming out of it. :wink: