24h global pin for local meetups

Yes, you always have to specify a time for the unpin.


The pin can be fine tuned with regard to expiration now – so I set the expiration of the pin for tomorrow’s Stuttgart meetup to 90 minutes after its beginning.


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Bringing this back into attention of everyone who has “wrench” abilities. With the slight reduction of activity from our vigorous Viennese vanguard, other moderators and those with the ability please help making sure upcoming meetups get that little final push they deserve :slight_smile:


How about extending it to 48h hours. Our Zurich meetup hopefully attracts people outside Zürich. As many are commuting here, 24 h might of too much short notice.


Sounds good. @moderators Is there a way to autmate this procedure?

Frankly if we change it, I think we should open the discussion more in general again.

I am no longer convinced that we should limit the pin to a brief period right before an event. I actually think it would make indeed sense to give an event some very early attention (i.e. a couple of days) right after it is originally announced.

However, we would need a small set of really clear rules as to how to qualify for this early advertising pin.

My suggestion: This original announcement should fulfill at least two requirements to qualify for an early (maybe one week-)pin: The exact date and the exact venue must both already be settled by then. And well, it should be announced well in time before the event (three or more weeks), so it won’t just be pinned for two weeks in a row. This way, we make sure that the final pin 24 or 48 hours before the event actually gets noticed anew.

No. There is no “auto-pin” feature.

This wouldn’t exactly automate the procedure. What I have in mind is a script that pins events automatically without human interaction (otherwise you would still have to pin every event individually).

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Sounds like something that only @admins would be able to do, if it can be set up.

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