"And then I saw they had a Fairphone..."

At an environmental trade show in Birmingham last week when a young lady on one of the stands noticed that I had a Fairphone 2 (I was photographing her business card) , and pulled her own one out of her bag. first time I have seen a blue translucent back cover, very nice. it got us talking, but I didn’t see any more of them. Hopefully next year they will be common there…


I started a new job about 6 months ago. On my first day at work I heard the FP-Ringtone in the office and was suprised - I thought I had turned mine off. It wasn’t mine. A colleague of mine is also a FP2-owner. :slight_smile:


Now sitting in the train. Woman opposite of me has a turquoise FP2. Curious to hear how she likes it. But she seems to busy and I don’t want to disturb her.

I’ll just wave my FP2 and see if she notices


Quick, someone call Douwe so the Fairphone ringtone blasts through the train compartment! :smiley:


I’l tell the story in German because it’s so much easier for me:
Letzte Woche nahm ich als Gast an der jährlichen Auszeichnung junger Wissenschaftler der Universität Lübeck teil, eine meiner Nichten gehörte zu den Ausgezeichneten. Im Anschluss beim Smaltalk nahm ich Kontakt zu einem anderen der Ausgezeichneten (für sein Konzept des Wahlfaches “Ethik innovativer Technologien”) auf und gab ihm meine Mailadresse. Er darauf: “Ah eine Posteo-Adresse, daran sind die umweltbewußten Nutzer erkennbar”. Ich darauf: Da gibt es weitere Kennzeichen" und zeigte mein FP2. Er darauf zog das seine, ebenfalls in türkis, hervor! So traf ich auf den ersten weiteren (mir bekannten) Fairphone-Nutzer aus Lübeck!


Yesterday in the train I saw another Fairphoner. He said he just had his Fairphone.
He wasn’t aware that there is this forum.
Perhaps @Monica.Ciovica can check if buyers get any mention of this forum when they get the Fairphone.


Good idea!!!
There really should be a postcard or something like that added to the package.


Or maybe the forum should be the default homepage in the browser. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Good idea as well, but only an add-on for me:
Just happens, that my first step was to install another browser and putting away the standard browser before ever opening it.


I was travelling on a TGV train. In the seat in front of me, a women shows her ticket on smartphone. The ticket inspector is unable to scan the QR code. “The display’s not bright enough”, he says. I take a closer look: Yes, it’s a FP1!

(Of course, the problem was immediately solved by adjusting the brightness of the screen.)


This week I was in Scotland with a handful of friends. Amongst other things we visited an expat living in Scotland and joined her for a pub quiz evening in Aberfoyle (roughly 800 inhabitants as far as I know). One of her Scottish friends joined our team and we had a great time. Once the quiz was over she took out her smartphone to check the time and I noticed it was an FP2 with the red back cover :grinning: So we had a very small ad-hoc Fairphone meeting, where I told her about the two existing Heavens that are closest to her :+1:


fairphoneangels FTW!!! :raised_hands: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I need stickers again. This makes it easier for me to start a conversation with another Fairphoner. And people like to receive gifts. :grin:


Just checked with the team, and buyers do get info on the Community Forum during several steps:

  1. When they create the account for the purchase process, they receive a ‘welcome email’ that points to the forum.
  2. The ‘after purchase’ email sent within a couple of days after the order was delivered encourages them to join the conversations online.
  3. Mentions of Forum conversations as part of the regular newsletters sent to subscribers.

I’m in the train and suddenly I heard the Fairphone ringtone! First I thought it was my own phone but the screen was black and then I realised it was the woman behind me with a Fairphone haha. She was calling the whole time and just left the train so I was not able to talk to her unfortunately.


The train is a good place for FP spotting: I saw a woman with a FP2 today! I recognized it immediately because of the red slim cover. Her screen was scattered though but I assume she knows it’s really easy to replace it. :wink:


Three posts in a row, but I saw another Fairphone in the train last weekend! The woman who it belonged to looked a bit suspicious at me because I was staring at her phone so much so I didn’t dare to talk to her haha :wink:


Are you passing by Jollemanhof on your way to work or why do you see so many Fairphoners? :slight_smile:


Haha no I don’t think any of these people were Fairphone employees. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Fairphone-owners use the public transport more on average than people with non-fairphones :wink:


As a physician working in a forensic psychiatry clinic, I frequently accompany my patients to formal hearings, that is, a judge comes in to assess the progress made by the patient. One judge saw my FP2 on the table and commented: “Oh, another Fairphoner? You ought to try the new back panel.” I commented that I was already on my second flexible back, because the first one ripped at the volume button, but the sturdier replacements were more expensive. He said the higher price was worth it, and he was right.
It is good to meet fellow Fairphoners and share advice.


Are there as many as two havens in Scotland? I’m still trying to find out if the one in Forres is still active.

Aside from EFCT18, the only time I have seen someone with a Fairphone was at a London Green Drinks meetup in late 2015, before I got one myself.

Since acquiring my FP2 and moving to Leamington Spa I have identified another user in my town. I spotted her Phone Co-op email address during an exchange on the LETS newsgroup and asked her if she had a Fairphone; she said yes and I asked her how she was getting on with it, but she never replied to that.

I’ve attended the Phone Co-op AGM once but didn’t spot any Fairphones there.

Apparently there was someone in my local Green Party who had a Fairphone but gave it up for an iPhone. What is the matter with people??

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